Manuscripts should be written preferably in Portuguese, Spanish or English. In the latter case, they should adopt either an American or British style, avoiding a combination of both.
The cover letter accompanying the manuscript must highlight the relevance of the text and include a note stating that all authors are aware of the contents of the paper.
The authors can suggest three to five names of reviewers, and indicate names that are not desired for that role. However, the publishers stress the fact that they have no obligation to accept the suggestions made and reiterate their ethical and moral commitment to selecting reviewers with the suitable expertise required by the articles submitted. All submissions must be formatted following the rules described below and sent to the SABEH newsletter at the following address: [email protected]
Nomenclature, units and abbreviations
Species names must follow international standards (for example, the international guidelines for botanical and zoological nomenclature). Use italics for words written in any language different from the one used in the body of the paper. For example, if the text is in Portuguese, all words in languages other than Portuguese should be written in italics). All foreign words and expressions must be properly explained in the text, as needed. Non-standard abbreviations should be avoided, but when necessary should be defined in the first time they appear.
Ethical and Legal Aspects
It should be clear in the “Methods” section that all the research employing human subjects was in compliance with the norms provided in the Helsinki & Tokyo declaration (or similar) and that it has been approved by the competent ethics committee for research with human beings, also informing that the Informed Consent form was explained and properly employed at the outset of the study.
All the data on zoological materials must have been obtained in accordance with the international principles for use of animals in research. For data collected on wildlife specimens, the license number must be provided, as well as the name of the agency that granted it.
The publishers clarify that absence of proper ethical procedures for research with humans or genetic materials may result in the immediate rejection of the manuscript.
Botanical and zoological material collected
The authors must cite the locations where the material was collected and the name and place of the depository of the material. As to plants, in particular, inform the registration number of the specimens collected and the reference herbarium used.
Types of manuscripts
Short communications – Brief manuscripts representing a significant contribution to a field related to Human Ecology. It is important to mention that short communications should not be confused with the publication of preliminary results, cannot have more than five pages (following the template below) and must be structured in the same way as original research articles. A maximum of three illustrations are allowed (figures and tables).
Original Research Manuscript – It is a more complete version of the above. The manuscript must include the following items: title, abstract, introduction, materials and methods (or only methods), results and discussion, conclusion and references. The acknowledgment section is optional. It should be no more than 12 (twelve) pages long.
Reviews – The authors are free to propose review articles. The scope of the journal needs to be considered and the review should also not exceed twelve pages.
Text Format
The publication should be in conformity with the template that accompanies these norms for publication. The standard font is Arial (12) with space 1.5 between lines, with numbered pages and justified text, except for the title (which must be centered and written in bold type). The page size must be A4 with 3cm margins on the right side, 2cm on the left side and 3cm at the top and bottom. Files are accepted in DOCX formats (2007 Microsoft Word or later version) and DOC format (compatible with all versions of MS Word and other writing software such as OpenOffice, LibreOffice/BROffice).
Structure of the paper
Page and title
Author names and affiliations – Full names of the authors must be provided. The authors’ affiliations should follow immediately after the list of authors. Please inform all affiliations using a number in superscript, immediately after the name of the author and before their professional address. The affiliations should contain the full postal code as well as the e-mail address. The corresponding author should be indicated with an asterisk in superscript.
Insert an abstract with no more than 250 words on the title page. It should contain brief information about the study, with emphasis on the main results achieved. Three to five key words should be provided right after the abstract.
The main sections of the manuscript should be: introduction, methods and materials (or only methods), results and discussions (together or separated), conclusions and references. The titles should be indicated in upper case and in bold. If subsections are needed, they should be titled in italics. Acknowledgments to people, scholarships, funding agencies, etc. should be in a separated section titled “Acknowledgements”, inserted before the “References” section. Do not abbreviate names of funding organizations.
The title page and the sections must be organized and displayed according to the model.
Tables should be numbered as they appear in the text (e.g., Table 1, Table 2). All tables must have a title (placed above each one) that concisely describes its contents. Captions can be used but should also be concise.
All tables must be formatted using the “table object” tool on MS Word, or an equivalent tool, so as to ensure that columns are aligned when the file is electronically mailed for revision. Columns and lines should be visibly distinct to guarantee that each cell border appears in black. Commas cannot be used in place of decimal points. Colors and shading should not be used. Parts of the table may be highlighted using symbols or text in bold, with the meaning explained in the captions.
Tables should be placed in the text together with their corresponding titles and captions.
Number all illustrations following their sequence in the text. We ask authors to send each figure in a separate file. Use a logical standard for naming and numbering the files (e.g., Figure 01.tif for the file containing Figure 1). For vector charts the advisable format is EPS. For color- or black-and-white (halftone) pictures, use the TIFF format with a minimum of 300 dpi. In other types of images, use at least 600 dpi and choose the TIFF format as well. The numbers must appear in the text with their corresponding indications and information.
Additional Files
Additional files may also be indicated in the text, also following a logical sequence (File 01, 02, etc.), and should be sent in separated files with logical names (Additional File 01.mpg, Additional File 02.xls, etc.). Figures and captions for additional files should be specified after the references.
The references should be cited following a numerical order as they appear in the text (check template). All the references must be contained in the main file of the submitted manuscript. All authors may be mentioned in the citation. Date of access should be provided for all online sources.
Journal citations
- BEGOSSI A. Ecologia Humana: Um Enfoque Das Relacões Homem-Ambiente. INTERCIENCIA 1993;18(1):121–132.
- MARCHAND RP P. L’analyse de similitude appliqueé aux corpus textueles: les primaires socialistes pour l’election présidentielle française. In Actes des 11eme Journées internationales d’Analyse statistique des Données Textuelles. 2012;p. 687-699.
- SANTOS BDS. A filosofia à venda, a douta ignorância e a aposta de Pascal. Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais 2008;
Book citations
- KORMONDY DE Edward J; BROWN. Ecologia Humana. Tradução de Max Blum. Coord. Editorial da Edição Brasileira Walter Neves. São Paulo: Atheneu Editora; 2002.
- KUHN TS. A Estrutura das Revoluções Cientícas. 5.ed. São Paulo: Perspectiva; 1998.
Theses and Dissertations citations
- MARQUES, J. Cultura Material e Etnicidade dos Povos Indígenas do São Francisco Afetados por Barragens: Um Estudo de Caso dos Tuxá de Rodelas, Bahia, Brasil. Tese de Doutorado, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Cultura e Sociedade, Universidade Federal da Bahia-UFBA, Salvador, 2008.